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Way before the first Selfie, the ancient Greek and Romans had a myth about someone a little too obsessed with his own image. In one telling, Narcissus was a handsome guy wandering the world in search of someone to love. After rejecting a nymph named Echo, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection in a river, and fell in love with it. Unable to tear himself away, Narcissus drowned. A flower marked the spot where he died and we call the flower “narcissus”.




The myth captures the basic idea of Narcissism, elevated and sometimes detrimental self involvement. But it’s not just a personality type that shows up in advice columns of newspapers and magazines. It’s actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists.

The psychological definition of Narcissism is an inflated, grandiose self image. To varying degrees, narcissists think they’re better looking, smarter and more important than other people and that they deserve special treatment. Psychologists recognise two forms of narcissism as a personality trait:

  • Grandiose Narcissism.
  • Vulnerable Narcissism.
  • Grandiose Narcissism.


“Is the most familiar kind,characterised by extroversion ,dominance and attention seeking. Grandiose narcissist pursue attention and power. Sometimes as politicians, celebrities or cultural leaders. Of course, not everyone who pursues these positions of power is narcissistic. Many do it for very positive reasons, like reaching their full potential or help make people’s lives better. But narcissistic individuals seek power for the status and attention that goes with it. “


Vulnerable Narcissism.

Characterised by quietness and reserved nature. This ones have a strong sense of entitlement, but are easily threatened and slighted when they aren’t where they want to be at(like always in the first position.)

In either case, the dark side of narcissism shows up over the long time. Narcissists tend to act selfishly. So narcissistic leaders may make risky or unethical decisions and narcissistic partners may be dishonest or unfaithful. When the rosy view of themselves is challenged, they can become resentful and aggressive.

It’s like a disease where the sufferers feel pretty good, but the people around them suffer. Taken to the extreme, this behavior is classified as a psychological disorder called narcissistic personality disorder.

It affects one or two percent of the population, more commonly men. It is also a diagnosis reserved for adults. Young people, especially children can be very self centered, but this might just be a normal part of development. Traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder include:

  1. A grandiose view of oneself. (Extra proud as if no one really is ever above you and you’re always the one who has the best everything. From ideas to brains, friends, clothes and stuff)

  2. Problems with empathy.

  3. A sense of entitlement.

  4. A need for admiration /attention.

What makes this traits a true personality disorder is that they take over people’s lives and cause significant problems. Imagine that instead of caring for your lover/boyfriend /girlfriend/children,you use them as a source of attention and admiration. Or imagine that instead of seeking constructive feedback about your performance, you instead tell everyone that tries to help you that, they are wrong and there’s nothing they’re teaching you.

So what causes narcissism???

  • Genes. Might be hereditary.

  • Environment. Parents who put their child on a pedestal(treating them like royalty) can Foster grandiose narcissism. And cold controlling parents can contribute to vulnerable narcissism.

  • Narcissism also is higher in cultures that value individuality and self promotion.

  • Social media has multiplied the possibilities of self-promotion though it’s worth nothing in that there’s no clear evidence that social media causes narcissism. Rather, it provides narcissists a means to seek social status and attention through huge number of likes and followers.

Can narcissists improve on those negative traits? YES. anything that promotes honest reflection on their own behavior and caring for others, like psychotherapy or practicing compassion towards others, can be helpful. The difficulty is it can be challenging for people with narcissistic personality disorder to keep working at self betterment. For a narcissist, self reflection is hard from an unflattering angle.


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