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It’s been 3 days, 3 days since I last saw her. I left her in a very bad state. But it’s what we both needed. A break. A break from the daily shouting. Daily fights. Frequent argument, break downs and the messy make up sex. But would I make it without her? Or rather will she make it without me? Even though I was toxic and very unworthy of her love, she never saw me for what I was really on.

“You still go to see her? I saw her photos on your phone. Tell me Fezz, you still see her? Why can’t you just be obsessed with me the way you are with her? “ She started shouting while holding my shirt with the aim of chocking me, she even cut my pendant. The one she gave me on my birthday. Fresh tears wetted her face ruining the make up she had on. But it was already happening. I couldn’t control anything as it was.

Even though I was with Liz, I still couldnt couldn’t let go off Natasha. My first true love. She paid no shilling to live in my mind. She was all I ever thought of. I still remember that very day, the day I accidentally met a girl, a girl who would later distort my life, giving me a whole new experience. The type of experience in Anna Todds books. A feeling I never thought I’d get to feel in my life.


We had just left the exam hall and that was my final paper. Meaning, today was the day I could get wasted as hell. Today I was free to experience that Las Vegas type of partying in “THE HANGOVER ” films. Nothing to loose. I wasn’t risking anything plus I had been working hard all week long and I had enough money saved up so why not squander the little cash available because there’s a saying of our times that goes like “If the money you have cannot change the situation in your life at the moment, eat that money. “so why not? So the club just downtown was where I decided to relieve the tension. Just let loose and forget everything. Not that I really enjoyed going out that much but the fact that I was done with my paper made everything feel normal. I just had to get out, plus everyone had the same plan in mind. So why should I be the only weird person in the populace? I got a fresh cut just to get em dreads looking tidy enough to pull them females my way, cleaned up and added on that Mediterranean Mist Scent by ‘Old Spice’ rocked my Black silk shirt, I could never miss my silver chain for that authentic touch and wore my Black moccasins and that baby, was going to be the best day of my life. My buddies came to pick me and off we left. Destination, Forrest club.

Forrest Club was the most popular club for campus kids around school. Not that there weren’t other cool spots, but here was the breeding ground for anyone who had time and the urge to get laid or have sexual relations at least if you were that starved. Friday’s were the most epic days. This were the days we would go out, but scenes were different. The people who were there to get laid were most times fully grown adult men with families and this always got me thinking . All we had to offer at the time was just good Dick, gangsta acts of chugging vodka without making faces and good Dick again. But when it was offering luxury and money, thus dads on Fridays were everything this ladies wished for. But today it wasn’t about the babes. It was about letting the stress out. We were done with the fucking examinations and we had to celebrate finishing another year in campus. I mean the fact that we were alive called for a celebration you know.

The club was packed today. A lot of new faces. The DJ was dropping hits after hits and the vibe, the vibe was just magical. Just when I was looking around for somewhere we could at least chill ,someone gripped my hand, aaah…. It was Kate. My hommie.

“Hey wassup, didn’t know you were coming over today. Missed you how you doing Fezz? “

“I’m cool Kate, damn, you look niceeee. Might take you home after here. What you doing here? “

I came with some some friends to have a good time. Want to meet them? “

Before I could even reply, Kate pulled me to her table and yowww, why do I always know the least attractive female in a girls squad? No offence. She was telling me about her squad and now I was there.

Hey, this is my friend from home, Fezz. He’s nice and would like to meet y’all. Fezz, meet Abi, Candy and Natasha. “

They all were excited to see me except Natasha. There was something about Natasha. She ignited something different in me. I couldn’t get my eyes of Natasha. She was so good to be true. Queen Sheba had nothing on Natasha. In her white dress that only went some few inches below her thigh, her eyes, she had those cute looking sexy eyes, her laugh, I mean she’s what Prince Charming always wanted in a Princess but sadly he never passed by Africa. I could rub her face off my mind. Fuck, is this what it’s like loving someone at first sight? I always affirmed to myself in front of the mirror how I’ll never love anyone. But with Natasha, there was an exceptions .I had to trash that bullshit I used to say. I simply couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted Natasha. I wanted to know her. To be in her life.

The aim of the night was to get wasted as fuck but who knew what Kate would do? Who knew who I’d meet if it were not for Kate? Why did I even feel this way? She couldn’t get off my mind. I think I now understand that Joker and Harley Quinn scenario in Batman films.

My buddies quickly came over and got me. To the dance floor. I think it was one of those Latino anthems playing. Before I even stepped away, I was served a shot of Camino Tequila and handed a glass of some fancy mocktail to chug by a complete stranger. Now I was in that Friday feels. Friday mood. The mood, the mood was everything I ever wanted to feel everyday of my life. More drinks came and I was feeling the best way ever till Natasha happened. This time I had a glance at her majestic build. Damn, what’s a man got to do to land himself such a beauty? For sometime there I thought she was coming towards me. The way she walked, just mad everything go calm in my head. Her smile, naughty but filled with some type of joy. For a minute there, my mouth was wide agape. All the dance moves in me were lost. I mean, how did she know I wanted her and she decided to come over?

What you’re thinking fam, never happened. Natasha had a date. And her date was weird enough the most lowkey dude back in school. At least that’s what I thought before I actually got to know who he really was. Tyrone. Tyrone was Natasha’s boyfriend tonight. Their booth was one of those exclusive ones. With their own personal a waiting stuff. The drink on the table, the high end ones. I thought for a moment there I saw coke in that table. Before Natasha joined them, there were only dudes in that table. Weirdly. I sensed a cloud of rear surrounding that booth. No one dared to get over there and even say hi. It’s like everyone feared them. Except Natasha. Natasha grabbed Tyrone by the arm and off they went to the washrooms.

They dissapered in there for 3 minutes before coming back. There was this weird energy between them after that. They came back and each took almost 6 back to back shots of Tequila. It was like they were crazy. She came back with a demon kinnda energy. Which made her even sexier. She went over and got kate and her other friends to the booth.

“YOU HAVING A NICE TIME? “ Kate shouted in my ears to try and get me to listen to her and not the noise in the club.

Amm, yeah. I think so. “

“Been noticing you staring at Tasha the entire time. What’s up? You like her? “

“There’s nothing really. She’s just hot and I think I’d like to know her. “

Fezz, there’s over 100 girls in here. Don’t fu k with Tasha. Trust me. “

Kate left holding her drink and went ahead to seat on one of the guys in the booths laps and gave him some slow lap dance as Gyptians “Wine Slow” started playing. Natasha was mad high and even sexier. This time we managed to look eye to eye. Her eyes screamed to me. They were saying “Save me” She acted all happy but this really wasnt thecase.

Fezz, how’s your Friday? Everything good? “

Some classmates just came to the party and I never wanted them to notice anything. They suggested we switch club. Because the other club had guest artists performing. I called my friends up and asked them if we were leaving. They were mad into the idea. Deep down I didn’t want to go.

Bro, you coming? “

I left but hesitantly. All this time what was in my mind was who those guys in that booth were and why did Natasha hang around Tyrone if she really didn’t like it


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